Đề bài viết luận 02 - Dành cho HSG Quốc Gia môn tiếng Anh
Write an essay of about 350 words on the following topic.
Innovation is often driven by the pursuit of profit and economic growth. However, some argue that it should prioritize addressing social and environmental issues.
Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
Dàn bài tham khảo - Essay Writing Sample
Body 1: Profit and economic growth
- Directly benefit human life, increasing living standard – financial drive incentivize innovation -> economic growth -> come around and improve human life
- economic power is the culprit to solve social problems and environmental problems (after all, education, welfare, healthcare, etc.. requires a lot of financial investment
Body 2:
- Economic motivation often eschew any consideration of human well-being -> create lots of social problems (wealth discrepancy, discrimination, etc…) -> should direct research and innovating power towards solving social problems
- In the same light, industrialization resulting from profit and economic wants has damaged the environment -> should be prioritized to resolve that issue
Bài mẫu viết luận tham khảo - Essay Writing Sample
A topic that remains fiercely debated in terms of politics and scientific research is innovation. Innovation is often torn in dispute between whether it serves financial and economic benefits or should be redirected towards tackling dilemmas regarding society and the environment. Personally, it is evident that neither side of the argument possesses more precedence and the merits of both will be discussed in detail in the following essay.
On the one hand, there are two main factors supporting the economic drive behind innovations. For one, it is argued that economic value generated from innovations directly benefits the lives of citizens. To elucidate, monetary motivation incentivizes the creation of innovative reforms such as technological breakthroughs or more favorable policies that underlie economic proliferation. The first to enjoy such prosperity are the people whose living standard, disposable income and access to social services will be massively upscaled from a more well-off economy. Furthermore, it can also be reasoned that economic power is the culprit for solving societal and environmental problems. After all, innovating in sectors like education, healthcare, social welfare and environment control requires a lot of financial investment, in other words, a wealthy economy. This ultimately proves the inevitable need of innovations to be lucrative.
On the other hand, it is critical that the ramifications of profit-driven change be scrutinized. Realistically, economic motivations often eschew any consideration for human well-being. Many modern-day economies, particularly in capitalist and underdeveloped ones, exemplify this situation perfectly, where a fixation on numerical growth and exponential profit has widened wealth discrepancy and fostered discrimination between the lower and upper social classes. In the same light, industrialization originating from economic greed pushes the natural environment to the brink of destruction, seen through invasive land usage, unsustainable exploitation and a lack of any proper preservative measures. As a result, there is no question that the purpose of research and innovation should be redirected towards the resolution of these admittedly more dire issues.
In conclusion, while both sides pose undoubtedly strong arguments, I feel that neither has to be exclusive. Ideally, motives to innovate the world can be gracefully divided between both causes.
Phân tích cách sử dụng từ vựng trong bài mẫu viết luận tham khảo HSGQG (Số 02) - Essay Writing Sample
A topic that remains fiercely debated [Collocation – =highly controversial: được tranh cãi rất gay gắt] in terms of politics and scientific research is innovation. Innovation is often torn in dispute [Expression – nghĩa tương tự như fiercely debated] between whether it serves financial and economic benefits or should be redirected [=switch direction/ switch purpose: thay đổi, rẽ hướng] towards tackling [=dealing with/ solving: giải quyết, xử lí] dilemmas [=difficult issues/ problems: vấn đề nan giải, khó khăn] regarding society and the environment. Personally, it is evident that neither side of the argument possesses more precedence [=take more priority: có nhiều sự ưu tiên hơn] and the merits of both will be discussed in detail in the following essay.
On the one hand, there are two main factors supporting the economic drive behind innovations. For one – (to introduce the first idea), it is argued that economic value [Collocation – giá trị kinh tế] generated from innovations directly benefits the lives of citizens. To elucidate – (to go more in-depth into an idea), monetary motivation [Collocation – động lực về tiền] incentivized [=motivates/ encourages/ incentivize: thúc đẩy, khuyến khích] the creation of innovative reforms [Collocation – những sự thay đổi mang tính mới mẻ, đột phá] such as technological breakthroughs or more favorable policies that underlie economic proliferation [Collocation – sự phát triển mạnh của nền kinh tế]. The first to enjoy such prosperity [=wealthiness: sự thịnh vượng, giàu có] are the people whose living standard, disposable income [Collocation – thu nhập sau khi đóng thuế] and access to social services will be massively upscaled [=increased/ go up in size: tăng, to ra] from a more well-off [=wealthy: giàu có] economy. Furthermore, it can also be reasoned that economic power is the culprit [=source/ reason/ origin: cội nguồn, nguyên nhân] for solving societal and environmental problems. After all – (to explain something), innovating in sectors like education, healthcare, social welfare and environment control requires a lot of financial investment, in other words, a wealthy economy. This ultimately proves the inevitable need [Collocation – sự cần thiết, thiết yếu là một điều không tránh khỏi] of innovations to be lucrative [=profitable: sinh lợi nhuận tốt].
On the other hand, it is critical that the ramifications [=consequences: hệ quả] of profit-driven change [Collocation – sự thay đổi vì lợi nhuận] be scrutinized [=inspected/ examined: xem xét kỹ] – (structure: to be necessary/ important that something be done). Realistically – (to give a real world case example, evidence), economic motivations often eschew [=ignore/ neglect: bỏ qua] any consideration for human well-being [Collocation – sự hạnh phúc, khỏe mạnh của con người]. Many modern-day economies, particularly in capitalist and underdeveloped ones – (examples), exemplify this situation perfectly, where a – (relative clause to expand a sentence) fixation on [Collocation – =obsession over something: ám ảnh về cái gì đó] numerical growth and exponential profit has widened wealth discrepancy [Collocation – sự phân chia giàu nghèo] and fostered discrimination between the lower and upper social classes. In the same light – (to give further details with the same logic), industrialization originating from economic greed [Collocation – Sự tham lam về kinh tế] pushes the natural environment to the brink of destruction [Expression – bờ vực diệt vong], seen through – (to give example cases) invasive land usage [Collocation – sử dụng đất một cách xâm chiếm], unsustainable exploitation and a lack of any proper preservative measures [Collocation – Các biện pháp ngăn chặn]. As a result, there is no question that the purpose of research and innovation should be redirected towards the resolution [=tackling: xử lí, giải quyết] of these admittedly [mang tính thừa nhận, công nhận] more dire issues [Collocation – vấn đề nan giải].
In conclusion, while both sides pose undoubtedly strong arguments, I feel that neither has to be exclusive. Ideally, motives to innovate the world can be gracefully divided between both causes.
Phân tích cấu trúc bài mẫu viết luận tham khảo HSGQG (Số 02) - Essay Writing Sample

Bài học rút ra từ bài mẫu Essay - bài mẫu viết luận tham khảo HSGQG (Số 02) - Essay Writing Sample
Ở phương diện Task achievement, tác giả đã phân tích được đề bài một các đầy đủ và toàn diện, đã thảo luận được hoàn thiện cho cả hai phía và đưa ra ý kiến để đáp ứng câu hỏi. Cách phân tích các ý cũng rất đa dạng, từ việc giải thích đơn giản cho luận điểm (Body 1), đến việc đưa ra các hậu quả nghiêm trọng để justify cho luận điểm khác (Body 2).
Về Lexico resource, tác giả tận dụng được nhiều vốn từ liên quan đến chủ đề và paraphrase lại rất tốt (tham khảo Use of English Analysis).
Các dẫn chứng tác giả đưa, tuy không cụ thể nhưng đều rất relevant và thực tế với chủ đề đang được bàn luận.
Cuối cùng, để đảm bảo Coherence & cohesion cho bài viết, các Linking device được tận dụng triệt để, phong phú và có sự linh hoạt, không bị gò bó trong vốn signalling words conventional. (tham khảo Use of English Analysis)